Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

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MUSE (Band Kelas Dunia)

Satu kata buat BAND ini "KEREN"......
menurut saya sih,,tapi banyak juga kog yang suka band satu ini,,,sedikit tentang band ini dulu

"Muse adalah sebutan untuk sembilan putri Dewa Zeus yang memiliki “kegilaan”. " arti dalam mitologi yunani nya

"Muse, grup band asal Inggris ini dibentuk pada tahun 1994, di Devon, Inggris. Muse berangotakan Matthew Bellamy (vokalis, gitaris, pianis), Dominic Howard (drummer), dan Chris WolstenholmeMorgan Nicholls juga sering tampil dalam konser Muse sebagai keyboardis dan backing vokal.

Band ini menggabungkan berbagai aliran musik, antara lain aliran klasik, modern, dan bahkan latin pada lagu-lagu mereka.

Ketenaran tak diraih dengan mudah. Pada awal pemunculannya, banyak orang di industri musik Inggris menganggap musik Muse terlalu mirip dengan Radiohead. Namun, perusahaan Amerika Serikat, Maverick Records merealisasikan Muse tampil beberapa kali di Amerika Serikat, kemudian mengontrak mereka pada tahun 1998.

Sepulangnya dari Amerika, Taste Media mendapatkan kontrak untuk Muse di perusahaan-perusahaan rekaman di Eropa dan Australia. John Leckie, yang menjadi produser album untuk Radiohead, Stone Roses, "Weird Al" Yankovic dan The Verve, dijadikan produser album pertama Muse, (bassis). Setelah peluncuran album mereka yang keempat,

Peluncuran album ini diikuti dengan penampilan pendukung band Foo Fighters dan Red Hot Chili Peppers di Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 1999 dan 2000 Muse bermain pada festival-festival musik besar di Eropa, serta tampil juga di Australia, dan mengumpulkan banyak penggemar baru di Eropa Barat.
ORIGIN OF SYMMETRY, album ke-2 Muse, dirilis pada 18 June 2001. Album ini berisi musik yang lebih berat dan gelap, dengan suara bass Wolstenholme, yang berat dan terdistorsi.

Pada album kedua, Muse bereksperimen dengan alat-alat musik yang tidak lazim digunakan, seperti organ gereja, Mellotron dan tulang binatang. Muse lebih banyak memakai suara tinggi Bellamy, dengan alunan arpeggio gitar, dan piano yang terdengar jelas, yang terinspirasi dari gerakan Romantisme, khususnya musikus Rusia Sergei Rachmaninov.

Setelah album ini, Muse merilis
HULLABALOO SOUNDTRACK pada 1 Juli 2002, DVD yang berisi penampilan mereka di Le Zenith di Paris tahun 2001.

Pada edisi Februari 2006, Q Magazine menempatkan album
ORIGIN OF SYMMETRY pada urutan 74 dari 100 album terbaik sepanjang masa menurut penggemar.

Album ke-3 Muse, bertajuk
ABSOLUTION dirilis pada 29 September 2003. Album ini masih mencampur unsur klasik dengan gaya hard-rock mereka pada lagu-lagu seperti Butterflies and Hurricanesdan Ruled by Secrecy. ABSOLUTION mengusung tema yang lebih gelap - tentang akhir dunia.

Dengan kritik keras di Inggris dan adanya kontrak baru di Amerika, Muse melenggang dengan tur pertama mereka di stadium inernasional. Selama sekitar setahun, Muse mengunjungi Australia, Selandia Baru, Ameriak Serikat, Kanada dan Perancis. Mereka juga merilis lima single yaitu
Time Is Running Out, Hysteria, Sing for Absolution, Stockholm Syndrome, dan Butterflies and Hurricanes.

Muse memenangkan penghargaan kategori "Best Live Act" pada BRIT Awards tahun 2005. Tanggal 2 Juli 2005, Muse berpartisipasi pada konser Live 8 di Paris, mereka menampilkan
Time Is Running Out dan Hysteria.

Muse meluncurkan album keempat mereka,
BLACK HOLES AND REVELATIONS, tanggal 3 Juli 2006. Berbeda dari album sebelumnya, album ini menampilkan jenis mucik yang lebih beragam, mulai dari klasik sampai techno. Bersamaan dengan peluncuran album, Muse jg merilis single pertama mereka, Supermassive Black Hole, yang langsung menghuni nomer 4 di tangga lagu Inggris.

Muse memulai tur promosi album mereka di BBC Radio 1’s One Big Weekend. Setelah tampil di beberapa program TV, mereka melanjutkan tur promosi album di Eropa dan Amerika Utara. Selama tur, Muse juga merilis 2 single lagi, yaitu
Starlight dan Knights of Cydonia.

Muse mengawali tahun 2007 dengan tur ke Asia Tenggara dan Australia. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang dikunjungi oleh Muse pada tanggal 23 Februari 2007. Konser Muse diadakan di Istora Senayan, Jakarta dan dihadiri 7.000 penggemarnya." *


Muse Dalam Wawancara

Suasana di belakang panggung MUSE nggak kalah serunya. Buat putih abu-abu-ers, pas konferensi pers Jumat (23/2), beberapa jam sebelum konser yang dihadirin lebih dari 100 wartawan, dan diadain Java Musikindo sebagai promotor, banyak jawaban seru dari MUSE. Sebagian udah dimuat di Kompas hari Minggu kemaren, tapi banyak yang sayang kalo dibuang.

Kenapa waktu konser MUSE jarang bawain lagu-lagu lamanya kayak Futurism dan Coma?

Dominic: Soalnya biasanya konser MUSE dilakukan dalam rangka ada album baru. Jadi, biasanya kami banyakan nyanyiin lagu-lagu baru.

Gimana perasaan MUSE tahu kalau tiket konsernya di Jakarta nyaris terjual habis?

Dominic: Kami seneng banget bisa main di konser yang lumayan besar untuk pertama kalinya di sini. Kayaknya kami bakal kembali ke sini lagi di masa depan.

Ada persiapan khusus dan ritual khusus nggak sebelum naik panggung?

Matt: Emang kami agak merasa jetlag nih. Tapi nggak ada ritual khusus kok.

Dominic: Sebelum main, kami berusaha untuk santai, fokus dan take it easy.. Biasanya kami lompat-lompat ke sana-kemari karena kami ngakuin kalau emang selalu nervous kalau mau manggung. Makanya, kami berusaha untuk menyalurkan energi gugup itu ke excitement. Biasanya, kegugupan itu mulai hilang saat lagu pertama. Terus terang, kami belum lihat Jakarta sejak nyampe Kamis soalnya capek. Akan tetapi, hari ini kayaknya kami pengen muter-muter deh.

Apa pendapat MUSE tentang Jakarta?

Matt: Kami belum ketemu banyak orang. Sekilas kayaknya orang Jakarta ramah-ramah dan enak diajak ngobrol.

Boleh tahu song list buat nanti malam ?

Matt: Kami belum punya, soalnya song list itu kami tentuin pas menit-menit terakhir.

Barusan aja Indonesia dan Jakarta kena banjir gede. Kenapa MUSE tetep datang?

Dominic: Kami dengar situasinya udah membaik. Dan kami juga dengar udah banyak yang beli tiket. Jadi, harus datang demi mereka.

Sebagian besar lirik MUSE bernuansa politik. Apa yang menginspirasi?

Matt: Ada empat lagu yang memang benar-benar mengangkat tema politik, yaitu Assassin, Soldier’s Poem, City of Delusion, dan Take a Bow yang sedikit berisi komentar kami tentang politik luar negeri AS dan Inggris.

Apa kamu bawa gitar khusus koleksi?

Matt: Harga gitar akhir-akhir ini mahal yah, jadi yah gak bawa banyak-banyak deh.

Video klip Starlight tuh kan keren banget? Cerita dong, katanya fans MUSE ngasih pinjem kapal kargo bokapnya yah?

Matt: Kami memang pengen bikin video di lokasi yang aneh. Konsepnya di atas kapal besar yang sedang berada di tengah laut. Sayangnya, sempat nggak ada yang mau nyewain kapalnya. Sampai seorang remaja cewek dari Jepang yang seorang fans berat MUSE cerita bahwa ayahnya punya kapal kargo. Jadi, dia yang minta ayahnya buat ngijinin MUSE pakai kapal itu untuk bikin video di Yunani. Kami ngerasa beruntung banget.

Apa yang diharapkan MUSE dengan konser di Indonesia?

Chris: Kami nggak tahu harus berharap apa. Soalnya, ini kan konser pertama. Jadi, kami nggak tahu gimana biasanya reaksi penonton. Kami sih ngerasa exciting dan penasaran banget karena biasanya tiap tempat reaksinya beda-beda.

Dominic: Gue seh denger gosip penonton agak-agak crazy di sini.

Apakah MUSE mengharapkan bisa mengubah dunia dengan lagu-lagunya?

Matt: Kayaknya kami nggak bisa mengubah dunia. Tapi menurut aku, kami mungkin bisa mengubah manusia. Kami pengen orang tahu apa yang kami rasakan lewat lirik dan lagu kami, dan jadi punya pemikiran baru.

Lika-Liku Muse

Awal percaturan mereka di panggung hiburan dunia adalah ketika Matt, Dom, dan Chris membentuk band Rocket Baby Dolls dan ikutan kompetisi band lokal. “I remember the first real concert we’ve ever made was for the band competition” Matt mengaku. Pada saat itu Rocket Baby Dolls adalah band satu-satunya yang membawakan jenis musik rock, sementara peserta lain kebanyakan berlatar belakang dan memainkan genre pop ataw funk-pop seperti gaya Jamiroquai. Hal ini tidak menyurutkan mereka, malah mereka terpacu untuk jadi yang terbaik dengan paradigma: we came to lose and we expected to lose. Lha kok…yoi jek!!! Dengan sarkastis seperti itu mereka bisa tampil all-out karena mereka pikir mereka berbeda dan mereka mengambil keuntungan dengan perbedaan yang mereka punya itu. Giliran naik panggung, mereka sempat parno juga. Gmana ga!! Yang lain pada heboh dengan funk-pop sementara mereka cuma rock-band yang memainkan musik rock. Ga ada kesempatan buat menang mereka pikir, jadi cuek aja! Tampil agresif, bermain rapi dan menghancurkan apa-apa yang ada dipanggung!!!!

But…….. they won!

Kata-kata termanis mereka setelah itu: “ And I think that psychologically it changed many things in our heads. Because we came to lose, we expected to lose. And we were angry somehow. And we had just realized at this time that we could replace lots of things. We realized that emotion, the vibrations that you create are as important as your technical skills”.

“We had just discovered something: music is a matter of emotion” tambah mereka. Kemudian Rocket Baby Dolls menjadi MUSE.


The Twilight Saga's Eclipse : Muse Hadir Kembali

Muse nampaknya masih setia dengan film tetralogi Twilight Saga. Jika sebelumnya di sekuel pertama Twilight, band asal Inggris tersebut mengkontribusi sebuah lagu, Supermassive Black Hole, lalu lagu I Belong To You (New Moon Remix) dalam kompilasi soundtrack The Twilight Saga's New Moon. Kini dalam film ketiga The Twilight Saga's Eclipse, Muse kembali memberikan karyanya dengan lagu Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever).

Dalam berita yang dikutip Aceshowbiz itu, mengabarkan sebuah artwork resmi bergambar Eclipse telah dipublikasikan sebagai cover single terbaru Muse tersebut. Preview pendek lagunya sendiri sudah disebarluaskan di internet dan rencananya single tersebut akan dirilis pada tanggal 17 Mei. Sedangkan untuk soundtrack Eclipse akan dirilis tanggal 8 Juni di Amerika Serikat dan dapat dibeli secara pre-order melalui Amazon.

The Twilight Saga's Eclipse yang diadaptasi dari novel ketiga Stephenie Meyer's ini akan melanjutkan cerita percintaan Bella Swan. Kali ini Bella akan kembali dikelilingi oleh bahaya. Namun ditengah-tengah semua itu, dia dipaksa untuk memilih antara cintanya kepada Edward Cullen atau persahabatannya dengan Jacob Black. Dan keputusannya tersebut akan berpotensi untuk membuat dirinya hidup abadi.

The Twilight Saga's Eclipse akan disutradarai oleh David Slade dengan naskah yang dikerjakan oleh Melissa Rosenberg. Film ini dijadwalkan akan diputar di bioskop AS pada 30 Juni 2010. (eM.Yu)


Origin of Symetry Lyric

New Born

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like a birth squeeze
The love for what you hide
The bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born
When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Hopeless time to roam
The distance to your home
Fades away to nowhere
How much are you worth
You can't come down to earth
You’re swelling up, you're unstoppable

'Cause you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Destroy the spineless
Show me it's real
Wasting our last chance
To come away
Just break the silence
'Cause I’m drifting away
Away from you

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like it's a birth squeeze
And the love for what you hide
And the bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born

When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Destroy the spineless
Show me it's real
Wasting their last chance
To come away
Just break the silence
‘Cause I'm drifting away
Away from you


Everything about you is how I wanna be
Your freedom comes naturally
Everything about you resonates happiness
Now I won't settle for less

Give me all the peace and joy in your mind

Everything about you pains my envying
Your soul can't hate anything
Everything about you is so easy to love
They’re watching you from above

Give me all the peace and joy in your mind
I want the peace and joy in your mind
Give me the peace and joy in your mind

Everything about you resonates happiness
Now I won't settle for less

Give me all the peace and joy in your mind
I want the peace and joy in your mind
Give me the peace and joy in your mind

Space dementia

H8 is the one for me
It gives me all I need
And helps me co-exist with the chill

You make me sick because I adore you so
I love all the dirty tricks
And twisted games you play on me

Space dementia in your eyes
Peace will arise and tear us apart
And make us meaningless again

You’ll make us want to die
I'd cut your name in my heart
We’ll destroy this world for you
I know you want me to feel your pain

Space dementia in your eyes
And Peace will arise and tear us apart
And make us meaningless again

Hyper music

Your golden lies feed my role
In this forgotten space race under my control
Who’s returned from the dead
Who remains
Just to spit it in your face

You know that I don't want you
And I never did
I don't want you and I never will

You wanted more than I was worth
And you think I was scared
And you needed proof
Who really cares anymore
Who restrains
Just to spit it in your face

You know I don't love you and I never did
I don't want you and I never will

Plug In Baby

I've exposed your lies, baby
The underneath no big surprise
Now it's time for changing
And cleansing everything
To forget your love

My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving

My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living

Don't confuse
Baby you're gonna lose
Your own game
Change me
And replace the envying
To forget your love

My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving

My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living

And I've seen your loving
Mine is gone
And I've been in trouble
Ooh yeah

Citizen Erased

Break me in, teach us to cheat
And to lie, cover up
What shouldn't be shared
And the truth's unwinding
Scraping away at my mind
Please stop asking me to describe him

For one moment
I wish you'd hold your stage
With no feelings at all
Open minded
I'm sure I used to be so free

Self-expressed, exhausting for all
To see and to be
What you want and what you need
The truth’s unwinding
Scraping away at my mind
Please stop asking me to describe

For one moment
I wish you'd hold your stage
With no feelings at all
Open minded
I'm sure I used to be so free

For one moment
I wish you'd hold your stage
With no feelings at all
Open minded
I'm sure I used to be so free

Wash me away
Clean your body of me
Erase all the memories
They will only bring us pain
And I've seen, all I'll ever need

Micro cuts

Hands are red with your blame
Megaphone screaming my name
Whimpers someone I should've loved
Souls weeping above

I've seen what you're doing to me
Destroying puppet strings
To our souls

Micro waves me insane
A blade cuts in your brain
Sounds like forks on a plate
Blackboard scratched with hate

I've seen what you're doing to me
Destroying puppet strings
To our souls


Who’s so phoney and always surrounded
Stop your screaming, no-one can hear
All the scars on your skin, post no bills

Who you were
Was so beautiful
Remember who... who you where

Hide from the mirror, the cracks and the memories
Hide from your family, they won't know you now
For all the holes in our soul host no thrills

Who you were
Was so beautiful
Memories who... who you were


Passing by
You light up my darkest skies
You’ll take only seconds to draw me in
So be mine
And your innocence
I will consume

Dark shines
Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
'Cause it's good

Hold your hands
Up to your eyes again
Hide from the scary scenes
Suppress your fears
So be mine
And your innocence
I will consume

Dark shines
Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
'Cause it's good

Your dark shines
Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
'Cause it's good

Dark shines
Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
'Cause it's good

Feeling Good

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun
You know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Yeah freedom is mine
And you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good, oooh


Paradise comes at a price
That I am not prepared to pay
What were we built for
Could someone tell me please

The good news is, she can't have babies
And won't accept gifts from me
What are they for
They'll just grow up
And break the laws you've loved

Take off your disguise
I know that underneath
It's me
Who are you oooh

Useless device, it won't suffice
I want a new game to play
When I am gone
It won't be long, before I disturb you in the dark

Paradise comes at a price
That I am not prepared to pay
What were we built for
Will someone tell me please

Take off your disguise
I know that underneath
It's me

Showbiz Lyrics


Come waste your millions here
Secretly she sneers
Another corporate show
A guilty conscience grows

And I'll feel
A guilty conscience grow
And I'll feel
A guilty conscience grow

She burns like the sun
And I can't look away
And she'll burn our horizons
Make no mistake

Come let the truth be shared
No-one ever dared
To break these endless lies
Secretly she cries

She burns like the sun
And I can't look away
And she'll burn our horizons
Make no mistake

And I'll hide from the world
Behind a broken frame
And I'll run forever
I can't face the shame

And I'll hide from the world
Behind a broken frame
And I'll run forever
I can't face the shame

Muscle Museum

She had something to confess to
But you don’t have the time so
Look the other way
You will wait until it's over
To reveal what you’d never shown her
Too little much too late

Too long trying to resist it
You’ve just gone and missed it
It's escaped your world

Can you see that I am needing
Begging for so much more
Than you could ever give
And I don’t want you to adore me
Don’t want you to ignore me
When it pleases you yeah
And I’ll do it on my own

I have played in every toilet
But you still want to spoil it
To prove I’ve made a big mistake

Too long trying to resist it
You’ve just gone and missed it
It's escaped your world

Can you see that I am needing
Begging for so much more
Than you could ever give
And I don’t want you to adore me
Don’t want you to ignore me
When it pleases you yeah

So I’ll do it on my own
And I’ll do it all by myself
You will never make it


It's happening soon
It's happening soon
It's scent has been blowing in my direction
To me it is new
To me it is new
And it's not gonna change for anybody

And it's gonna be
Our last memory
And it's led me on
And on to you

It's got to be here
It's got to be there
It's got to be now
Or I'll lose for ever

To me it is strange
This feeling is strange
But it's not gonna change for anybody

And it's gonna be
Our last memory
And it's led me on
And on to you

Accuse me
Trust me
I never knew
That you were the one
You were the one

And it's gonna be
Our last memory
And it's led me on
And on to you

And it's gonna be
Our last memory
And it's led me on
And on to you

Falling Down

I’m falling down
And fifteen thousand people scream
They were all begging for your dream

I’m falling down
Five thousand houses burning down yeah
No one is gonna save this town

Too late
I already found what I was looking for
You know it wasn’t here
No it wasn’t here

I was calling your name
But you would never hear me sing
You wouldn’t let me begin

So I’m crawling away
'Cause you broke my heart in two yeah
No, I will not forget you

Too late
I already found what I was looking for
You know it wasn’t you
No, it wasn’t you

Falling away
You never see me fall
No, I could not forget you
Falling down
A thousand houses burning down
No one is gonna save this town

Too late
I already found what I was looking for
You know it wasn’t you
No, it wasn’t you

Falling down
Now the world is upside down
I’m heading straight for the clouds


Leave me alone
It's nothing serious
I’ll do it myself
It's got nought to do with you
And there's nothing you could do

You can see it and you can almost hear it too
You can almost taste it
It's nought to do with you
And there's still nothing that you could do

So come in my cave
And I’ll burn your heart away
Come in my cave
And I’ll burn your heart away

Please close your ears
And try to look away
So you'll never hear a single word I say
And don’t ever come my way

Leave me alone
It's nothing serious
I’ll do it myself
It's got nought to do with you
And there's still nothing you could do

So come in my cave
And I’ll burn your heart away
Come in my cave
And arrest me for my mistakes, yeah


Controlling my feelings for too long
Controlling my feelings for too long
Controlling my feelings for too long
Controlling my feelings for too long
And forcing our darkest souls to unfold
And forcing our darkest souls to unfold
And pushing us into self destruction
And pushing us into self destruction

And they make me
Make me dream your dreams
And they make me
Make me scream your screams

Trying to please you for too long
Trying to please you for too long
Visions of greed you wallow
Rhythms of greed you wallow
Visions of greed you wallow
Rhythms of greed you wallow

And they make me
Make me dream your dreams
And they make me
Make me scream your screams

Controlling my feelings for too long
Controlling my feelings for too long
And forcing our darkest souls to unfold
And forcing our darkest souls to unfold
And pushing us into self destruction
And pushing us into self destruction

They make me
Make me dream your dreams
They make me
Make me scream your screams


You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I'll always love

You could be the one who listens
To my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You should be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken
Pieces of the life I had before
Before you


This means nothing to me
'Cause you are nothing to me
And it means nothing to me
That you blew this away

'Cause you could have been number one
If you only found the time
And you could have ruled the whole world
If you had the chance

You could have been number one
And you could have ruled the whole world
And we could have had so much fun
But you blew it away

You're still nothing to me
And this is nothing to me
And you don't know what you've done
But I'll give you a clue

You could have been number one
If you only had the chance
And you could have ruled the whole world
If you had the time

You could have been number one
And you could have ruled the whole world
And we could have had so much fun
But you blew it away

You could have been number one
And you could have ruled the whole world
And we could have had so much fun
But you blew it away


Royal Canadian blended
The spicy aroma had mended me
Matured for years and imported
Into my glass you poured it

And you're the only reason
That I remain unfrozen
Suppose it stands to reason
That you would turn on me

You're so solid
You're so solid
It burns inside of me
'Cause you're so solid
It burns inside of me

Wild turkey's been chosen
Its caramel nose can smell me
Arbourler, Jameson I love you
The single malts come burning

And you're the only reason
That I remain unfrozen
Suppose it stands to reason
That you would turn on me

You're so solid
You're so solid
It burns inside of me
'Cause you're so solid
It burns inside of me

Royal Canadian Blended
The spicy aroma had mended me
And you're the only reason
That I remain unfrozen
Suppose it stands to reason
That you would turn on me

You're so solid
You're so solid
It burns inside of me
'Cause you're so solid
It burns inside of me


You would say anything
And you would try anything
To escape your meaningless
And your insignificance

You're uncontrollable
And we are unloveable
And I don’t want you to think that I care
I never would
I never could

Why can’t you just love her
And why be such a monster
You bully from a distance
Your brain needs some assistance

But I’ll still take all the blame
'Cause you and me are both one and the same
And it's driving me mad
And it's driving me mad

I’ll take back all the things that I said
I didn't realise I was talking to the living dead
And I don’t want you to think that I care
I never would
I never could

You would say anything
And you would try anything
To escape your meaningless
And your insignificance


You needed it when I was away
And no matter what I say
Your'll never forget when I wasn't there so
Why should I care
I'm young but I know that I'm aroused

You know that I care
You should have been there
You know that I care
You should have been there

It doesn't matter where I have gone
I just can't afford to
Pay for all the mistakes that you have made
It's about time I was paid
I'm young but I know that I'm aroused

You know that I care
You should have been there
You know that I care
You should have been there

You know that I care
You should have been there
You know that I care
You should have been there

You know that I care
You should have been there
You know that I care
You should have been there

Hate This & I'll Love You

Oh I am growing tired
Of allowing you to steal
Everything I have
You're making me feel
Like I was born to service you
But I am growing by the hour

You left us far behind
So we all discard our souls
And blaze through your skies
So afraid to die

'Cause I was born to destroy you
And I am growing by the hour
I'm getting strong in every way
Yeah, Yeah

You led me on
You led me on

Oh, and I'm getting strong in every way
Yeah, Yeah


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All About Muse

It's tempting to begin to explain Muse's maverick development as a consequence of growing up in the relative musical backwaters of Teignmouth in Devon. True, the knock on effects of mid 90s Britpop would be less powerfully felt in their small coastal hometown. To the schooldays phase of three friends trying out darkly rocking early versions of the band away from the pressures of scenes and tactics, you could throw in the now requisite information that singer-songwriter-guitarist-keyboardist Matt Bellamy's father was in legendary 60s hit group The Tornadoes, and that his mother was a medium with a taste for the operatic rock of Queen.

That version of Muse's progress, where they fall in love with 90s alternative rock and cut the intensity with Matt's love of early 20th century classical music, does little justice to the vertiginously tiered inner workings of their music. Personal histories and genre reference points are unreliable signposts to the place that Muse have come to inhabit. Shouldn't the children of melancholy seaside resorts turn into sepia loving poets of yesteryear? Wouldn't it be normal to run in the opposite direction from parental influences? It would make as much sense for Muse to have turned into maudlin retro DJs as the vaulting psychotic metal balladeers that they've become. If the mechanisms within Muse are to be understood at all, the best we're going to get is glimpses via Matt. "Irrespective of whether I was doing it for other people, making music is something I would be doing anyway," he says "Because there's a unique feeling that I get when I'm playing music. I think it could be one of the most pleasurable things, in terms of whatever's going on. For me it's something that's always been good, something that makes everything else seem unimportant.

"It's not just a case of personal pleasure - that makes it seem like it's a pleasing activity which releases endorphins. It's not like that. Making music effects the way I perceive everything and it gives me balance in my own reality. It's something that I can't really explain very well."

While so much allegedly modern rock music has given up the struggle to express anything new or complex, preferring to stick with preordained codes, Muse persist in attacking the genre as if it was unbreakable. Happily steered by three musicians with extraordinary technical skills, Bellamy, bassist Chris Wolstenholme and drummer Dominic Howard have been able to operate on a larger scale -a rock band with the cheek and grand foolishness to believe there are no restrictions, and few no go areas. They are the least mundane band on the planet. To the delight, perplexity and sometimes annoyance of the listening world, their records have consistently been extreme and extravagant flights of the imagination. Three albums down the line they show no sign whatsoever of bowing to the pressure of low expectation.

If 1999's 'Showbiz' was the initial unfiltered statement of intent and 2001's 'Origin Of Symmetry' was Muse finding their feet on a larger musical stage, now comes 'Absolution', the bands most fully realised work yet. "'Showbiz' was all constructed whilst we were in Teignmouth together without any schedule or record company, without any of that vibe, and so we were just making music as we liked making music," reflects Dom. "So I think the first album you can probably hear that represents us as we were and who we were. I think the second album was very much that stage of confusion of getting record deals and travelling everywhere and not really knowing who you are, I think 'Origin Of Symmetry' represents that kind of feeling of confusion and not really know what's going on.

"I think we knew that anything we were going to do after the second album we'd need to really find out who we are now, and to do that we needed to go back to making music for ourselves in our own space. And when you're making music and going home afterwards, or spending a few days a week here and then all going home, the music takes on a more personal feeling and I think you can hear that on this album." adds Chris.

Muse took a considered route to album three. After ending 2002's heavy touring at Reading and Leeds festivals they set up their own studio in Hackney, East London and gradually began writing songs. The first sessions for 'Absolution' took place at the end of 2002 in Air studios, working with Paul Reeve, who produced their first EPs. Here they brought in a full orchestra and after headed down to Sawmills in Devon for some finishing touches. Having then been contacted by US producer Rich Costey (Rage Against The Machine, Audioslave, Fiona Apple, Mars Volta, Phillip Glass) they moved on to Grouse Lodge in Ireland and eventually L.A., with Costey producing. The orchestras were set aside in favour of a less ornate approach and concentrating on song arrangements.

Having yet to reach a point of stasis in their own lives and finding that global events were changing the world around them, the band had no shortage of songwriting inspiration. Complete sonic re-invention could be thought about later. For album three there was enough to do, perfecting, enhancing and extending their body of work. "Everywhere you move you're taking into consideration loads of previous styles musically have existed, whether it was a hundred years ago or a few years ago or whatever, " says Matt. "You're assimilating all of those different paradigms and trying to make some kind of new paradigm that makes sense of all of them, of course mixed with modern ideas as well. I think that's what generally creating stuff is about for me.

"And I think we established a certain sound on the last album and I think on 'Absolution' there are some songs that are continuations, but we tried to take the ideas to a higher level. A song like 'Stockholm Syndrome' could be similar to stuff on the last album but it's more evolved. But there are also songs on this album that have completely new ideas. Songs like 'Endlessly', 'Blackout', 'Butterflies And Hurricanes', 'Hysteria' - those kinds of songs are definitely like nothing we've done before."

'Absolution' is clearly the product of three mid twenties musicians at the height of their powers, determined to push their aesthetic all the way. It opens with the Armageddon drums and crazed piano drama of 'Apocalypse Please', with Matt at full stretch, proclaiming the end of the world. From baroque panoramas depicting the madness of fanaticism they cut to slinky feline hyper emotional rock 'Time Is Running Out' and then part the curtains on the dreamy, filmic, macabre love song 'Sing for Absolution'. With 'Stockholm Syndrome' they lock into the cyber-punk-fugue mode, Matt hurling grand piano against the wall of guitars. The softly ticking tenderness of 'Falling Away With You' provides respite, before 'Hysteria's Bach-bassline'd haute grunge stomp.

With 'Blackout' they slide into an orchestral waltz fit for Covent Garden (in the year 2030), followed by an opening out into the synth and string driven optimism of 'Butterflies And Hurricanes' (featuring the world's only Rachmaninov style rock-house breakdown), and the warm organ groove of 'Endlessly', a song that you might think to be under the influence of electronic pop, if it wasn't by the 'doomy cyber rock band' Muse. From grooves and highly human emotions they take you on a thrilling ride down an Escher's worth of spiral staircase guitars - 'Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist', plunge into the dirty riffs and anger of 'TSP' and float to the fade with the eerie 'Rule By Secrecy', leaving in their wake just a dazed grand piano and sense of having travelled to the ends and back.

The musical intention for album three was to hone their art as a rock band and open up the possibilities of grooves and electronics (Matt: "I'm actually interested in the cheesier side of that area,") whilst also investigating where they could go with "large ensembles, orchestras, choirs." The thought processes behind the lyrics were more reactive, possibly more visibly reportage based than has happened before. If Matt's tendency to follow thought processes to the edge of reason, and then leap, had previously given the impression that warmth and humanity were not his style, there is much on 'Absolution' to contradict that view. Global wars and new emotional territory have their effect.

"I came out of a six year relationship and entered into a new relationship, that was a pretty major thing for me," he explains. "And world events played a reasonably large role too. There was a moment of panic and fear, and I think everyone that lives in London can probably relate to that. I think that was having an impact on what was happening with the album. We're not an intensely political band or anything, but when things like that are happening, you can't ignore it and it influences the way you feel about life and the world.

"It creates feelings of mistrust for the people in power, feelings of extreme mistrust of what is the media, government, secret government etc - that feeling of helplessness, that's where the more extreme moments of fear and panic and apocalyptic feelings are coming from. How that feeds into the other personal angle is that I suppose in that situation, you look at the things that are really important to you, friends, family, freedom of thought or whatever, and maybe you start to realise the importance of those things that maybe you didn't see before.

"At the same time listening to music by bands like The Flaming Lips and Romantic/Early modern Classical Music made me realise that it is possible to make music that goes beyond everyday life and beyond life in general, something timeless that speaks about existence and can still be related to after the composers death... I'm not saying that's we are doing, but maybe what we are trying to do. I think it is possible to find something on a more spiritual level, which is something I've never really considered before, because I'm not really a spiritual person, but I have started to consider those things maybe for the first time whilst making this album."

...And the 'Absolution' that's being sought? Musing on love, loss, finality and fanaticism may have brought Matt to a less science-fixated, empirical understanding of the world, but he is hardly ripe for conversion. "I think the absolution is not necessarily a religious word," says Matt. "It has meanings of purity, but its not necessarily talking from a Christian or any particular religious point of view. I think it's just suggesting that the act of making music is a way of understanding things."

Unwilling to settle for the option of being simply brilliant exponents of a particular genre, Muse insist that their music is a personal tool, a prism through which to make sense of the world. That doesn't mean they're unable to see the moments where (particularly on stage) the intensity touches on absurdity. They're intentionally over the top at times. But oddly for a band with serious thought processes behind what they do, they are low on contrivance. Muse are not acting rhapsodic mind-fire rock. They are not 'showbiz'. They were always like this. It's innate. It's meant. None of the genius in the earlier phases could have manifested itself without the attitude that pervades everything they do - an attitude of this could do more, say more, go further, faster, heavier, sweeter.

You can hear the will to push things further in all of 'Origin Of Symmetry'. It's probably what got that album's big single 'Plug In Baby' drilling into the album charts in spring 2001 and what lead them to cover the Nina Simone classic 'Feeling Good' reinterpreting the song for a new generation. Its why 'Sunburn' from the first John Leckie produced album 'Showbiz' grabbed everyone's attention, and first pushed the band in front of the UK media at the start of 2000.

The need to make something beyond what's expected was why they were plucked from gigging in bars and small clubs in Devon, given the keys to the best recording studio in the vicinity, signed a worldwide record deal with Taste Media, were flown out to America and penned a licensing deal within days. Its how it came about that Mushroom took them on in the UK, and Japan and Europe fell for them turning them into one of the biggest festival draws and arena bands. It would be the driving force behind live shows which make you think you've witnessed the start of a new era in extreme rock stagecraft, and conclude that anyone who can play uber-flash guitar as dazzlingly as Bellamy while bouncing off the drum kit must actually be an alien.

Whether it's ambition, hauteur, super-competitiveness, curiosity or just low boredom thresholds, Muse have always had it and for the exact duration of time that it's necessary to buy their records, they always will. Their heretical momentum is showing no sign of letting up. There they go, up in the sky, a silver flying v, on a mission to explode the myth of English meekness and reserve. "I think that the greatest rock music in the past has been from England, and I think that if I was going to say something positive or hopeful about Muse it would be that we want to be that, to do that, to prove that England isn't just about soft stuff, and that there's more to English life than that.

"I don't really know many English bands that do rock music of a relatively modern nature, and I think that we're definitely trying to, not necessarily go against it, but prove that there is a lot more to it. A lot of what has been rock oriented in the last ten years in England, the extremely original stuff has been very mellow, the rockier stuff has been old, 'dadrock', retro, and I think its about time there was an English rock band that was bold enough to actually be a rock band and not hide behind old established genres or hide behind self-consciousness."

Look no further. Muse are overhead now.


All About Dominic Howard

Dominic Howard, better known as Dom Howard is drummer for the British band Muse.


He was born Dominic James Howard on the 7 December 1977 in Stockport, not far from Manchester. When 8-9 years old he moved with his family to Teignmouth, a small town on the Devon 'riviera'. He plays just one instrument within the band's music: the drums. He begun at about 11, when he was struck by a jazz band performing at school. He can also play a little bit of guitar. He also tried his elder sister's electronic keyboard at the age of 5. Through his sister, who was attending a School of Arts, he begun to have his first contacts with the world of art, although it wasn't at all related with his future job. As he says in an interview, "When I was a boy, music was something I heard on TV." Dom's first band was named "...'Carnage Mayhem' and this is a Michael Jackson song", at school. Meanwhile he befriended Matt Bellamy, who played guitar but hadn't a stable band. Not long after, when the old guitarist gave up, Matt was faced with the chance of entering Dom's band. After two years of drop outs, remained only Dom and Matt... Apparently the others gave up because of the latter two... At that time entered the scene Chris Wolstenholme, who played drums in Fixed Penalty, and with a great 'spirit of sacrifice' he begun to play bass..

Muse work Dominic is inspired by drummers like Stewart Copeland, David Grohl and Buddy Rich. His taste in music is wide: he loves as much Jimi Hendrix, Pavement, Radiohead, Deus and Smashing Pumpkins, as Primus, Rage Against The Machine or Limp Bizkit.

In the first months of 1994 "Gothic Plague" were born, followed by "Rocket Baby Dolls" (Dom: "They all had death metal names but we all played cheesy pop!"), and then finally Muse. From then on, things got more serious for Dominic and the others. See Muse for further details on the band's history. Tragedy struck Dom's in 2004. His father Bill, being one of the band's greatest fans came to watch their performance at Glastonbury 2004, a concert which lead-singer Matt Bellamy described as "The best gig of our lives!". Just after their performance finished, Bill Howard collapsed from a heart attack. This pushed the band to the verge of breakup, but through support from his family and fellow bandmembers, Dominic recovered, and Muse managed to continue its tour. Dom Howard has been repeatdly voted the happiest drummer in rock. He uses Tama Starclassic Maple drums, finished in blue sparkle and (more recently) titanium silver, and Zildjian cymbals.


All About Chris Wolstenholme

Chris Wolstenholme
(sometimes credited as Christopher Wolstenholme) (born Christopher Tony Wolstenholme on December 2, 1978) is the bass player, and occasional singer/guitar player for the rock band Muse. He has also played keyboards for the band at their live shows on occasion.

He grew up in Rotherham before moving to Teignmouth, Devon. There were two bands in the Teignmouth community. Chris played in one, Matthew Bellamy and Dominic Howard played in the other. After two years of drop outs in Matt's and Dom's band, Chris who played drums in his band transferred to their band. Chris was used to playing drums and had never played a bass in his life, with a 'great spirit of sacrifice' started to play bass guitar instead in the band. The quiet, gentle giant (relative to the other two members) of the band, currently lives in Teignmouth with his wife Kelly, and their children.
During Muse's stint on The Cure's Curiosa festival in 2004, Chris broke his wrist playing football with The Cooper Temple Clause. He was unable to play bass meaning the band dropped out of the rest of the tour. But instead of cancelling their headlining spot at the UK's V Festival, a replacement in the form of Morgan Nicholls (The Streets) was drafted in - Chris was relegated to 'balloon duty' and Keyboards, but he soon recovered.


About Mathew Bellamy

Matthew Bellamy (born June 9, 1978) is the lead singer and guitarist of British rock group Muse. Bellamy is also a talented pianist and plays keyboards in many of the band's songs.

His use of high pitched vocal lines is a staple part of Muse's sound. This falsetto is a signature characteristic of Muse and is the main dividing factor between fans and non-fans.

Bellamy’s distinctive piano style has been inspired by the works of Romantic pianists, such as Sergei Rachmaninoff. Bellamy cites some of his guitar playing influences as Jimi Hendrix and Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine, the latter being particularly evident in the more riff-based songs on Muse's second album, Origin of Symmetry, and in Bellamy’s extensive use of pitch-shifting effects in his solos.

Matt uses Hugh Manson custom guitars made in Exeter, Devon, UK. Matt currently has six Mansons, known as his "Mattocasters" (Matt + telecaster). The first and most famous is his silver Manson. Matt came up with the basic concept for this guitar and Hugh Manson helped him realise it. It has a built-in Z-Vex Fuzz Factory which gives Matt his distinctive sound and the ability to use controlled feed back, it also has a MXR Phase 90 phaser and uses Rio Grand pickups. All his other Mansons follow this same basic design (apart for Matt's 7 string which was not actually built for him) with some just having different finshes, as with his mirrored Manson, and some taking the idea even further. Matt's black Manson has a midi strip that controls a Digitech Whammy pedal, when it is connected, a Zvex Wah Probe and a number of other built in effects. Matt uses Diezel amp heads which are hand made in Germany, along with Marshall Mode Four cabinets, Soldano Cabinets and Line 6 amps. Most of Matt's rack effects are made with Line 6 modules.

Matt's father, George Bellamy was the rhythm guitarist in the 1960's British rock group The Tornadoes who were the first British band to have a US number 1.

Bellamy was recently #29 in Total Guitar magazine's top 100 guitar players in the world - above The Edge (U2), Pete Townshend and Chuck Berry and his riff Plug in Baby came 13th in in Total Guitar's pole of the top 20 riffs.

In April 2005, Kerrang magazine ranked him at #28 in their 50 sexiest people in rock, as well as their in-house number one guitarist.


About Muse

Muse are the greatest British rock heretics of the new century. formed in Teignmouth, Devon in 1994. It has three members; Matthew Bellamy (singer, guitarist and keyboardist), Chris Wolstenholme (bassist) and Dominic Howard (drummer and percussionist). Bellamy is the principal songwriter and creative influence in the band, although some of the band's more recent material has also been credited to Wolstenholme and Howard.

When they first cast strange and exhilarating shadows over the musical landscape at the tail end of the 90s, the cultural orthodoxy was not looking for an audacious, ambitious, heavy neo-classical metalcorepunk hyper-rock band, with a precocious, vocally soaring, 22 year old singer, apparently fallen from a distant galaxy. The times were seeking familiar, dependable sounds. Muse were neither, and yet by the time of their second album in 2001 they were playing European arena shows to 20,000 astonished onlookers, destroying extravagant amounts of equipment, filling the music press with tales of debauchery and crashing the pop charts. They must have being doing something contrarily right.


Profile MUSE

Asal: Devon- England
Genre: Alternative Rock
Progressive Rock
Tahun Aktif: 1997-Sekarang

MUSE adalah grup musik Inggris yang memiliki jenis musik yang menggabungkan berbagai aliran musik. MUSE memadukan aliran klasik, modern, dan bahkan latin pada lagu-lagu mereka. Band ini dibentuk di Devon pada tahun 1994. Anggota band terdiri dari tiga orang: Matthew Bellamy (vokalis, gitaris, pianis), Dominic Howard (drummer), dan Chris Wolstenholme (bassis). Setelah peluncuran album mereka yang keempat, Morgan Nicholls dan Dan the Trumpet Man juga sering tampil dalam konser MUSE, sebagai keyboardis dan backing vokal dan untuk Dan the Trumpet Man tampil sebagai peniup terompet untuk lagu knights of cydonia dan seterusnya.

(1992-1997) Pembentukkan
Pada tahun 1990-an awal, anggota-anggota MUSE memiliki grup musik masing-masing di sekolah mereka. Pembentukkan MUSE berawal ketika Matthew Bellamy yang berumur 14 tahun berhasil lulus audisi untuk masuk grup Dominic Howard. Ketika bassis mereka memutuskan untuk keluar, mereka meminta teman baik mereka, Chris Wolstenholme, untuk bergabung dan mempelajari gitar bass. Chris sempat menolak, tapi akhirnya memutuskan untuk bergabung. Band baru ini sempat banyak berganti nama, antara lain Gothic Plague, Carnage Mayhem, Fixed Penalty, dan Rocket Baby Dolls, sampai akhirnya menggunakan nama MUSE yang dikenal sekarang. Urutan kronologis pergantian nama band ini tidak jelas, karena MUSE memberikan informasi yang tidak konsisten pada wawancara-wawancara mereka.

Pada tahun 1994, masih dengan nama band Rocket Baby Dolls dan dengan gaya gothic/glam, mereka memenangkan kompetisi battle of the bands lokal. Dan tak lama setelah ini, mereka mengganti nama menjadi MUSE, dan mulai tampil di club-club seperti Cavern di Exeter.

(1998-2000) Breakthrough
Setelah beberapa tahun membangun komunitas penggemar, MUSE memainkan konser-konser pertama mereka di London dan Manchester. Band ini lalu bertemu dengan Dennis Mills, pemilik studio rekaman Sawmills, yang bermarkas di Cornwall, Inggris.

Pertemuan ini akhirnya dilanjutkan dengan rekaman resmi pertama MUSE, yaitu E.P. self-titled (berjudulkan nama band) yang menggunakan label inhouse Sawmills, Dangerous. Lalu E.P. ke-2 mereka, Muscle Museum, mendapat perhatian dari jurnalis musik Inggris yang berpengaruh, Steve Lamacq, serta majalah musik mingguan Inggris, NME. Dennis Mills lalu membantu membangun perusahaan music Taste Media, yang dibuat khusus untuk MUSE (MUSE menggunakan label ini untuk 3 album pertama mereka). Ini merupakan hal yang sangat menguntungkan untuk MUSE karena mereka dapat mempertahankan keunikan musik mereka pada awal karir mereka.

Walaupun E.P. ke-2 mereka sukses dan mendapat pengakuan, banyak perusahaan rekaman Inggris yang enggan mendukung MUSE, dan banyak orang di industri musik menganggap musik MUSE terlalu mirip dengan Radiohead. Namun, perusahaan Amerika Serikat Maverick Records merealisasikan MUSE tampil beberapa kali di Amerika Serikat, dan kemudian mengontrak mereka pada tahun 1998. Sepulangnya dari Amerika, Taste Media mendapatkan kontrak untuk MUSE di perusahaan-perusahaan rekaman di Eropa dan Australia. John Leckie, yang menjadi produser album untuk Radiohead, Stone Roses, “Weird Al” Yankovic dan The Verve, dijadikan produser album pertama MUSE, Showbiz.

Peluncuran album ini diikuti dengan penampilan pendukung pada tur band Foo Fighters dan Red Hot Chili Peppers di Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 1999 dan 2000 MUSE bermain pada festival-festival musik besar di Eropa, serta tampil juga di Australia, dan mengumpulkan banyak penggemar baru di Eropa Barat.

(2001-2002) Awal ketenaran
Album ke-2 mereka, Origin of Symmetry, dengan Leckie sebagai produser juga, berisi musik yang lebih berat dan gelap, dengan suara bass Wolstenholme, yang berat dan terdistorsi. Dan lagu-lagu seperti Space Dementia yang menggunakan teknik klasik, yang terinspirasikan oleh Rachmaninoff.

MUSE bereksperimen dengan alat-alat musik yang tidak lazim dipakai, seperti organ gereja, Mellotron, dan peralatan drum yang diperlengkap. MUSE lebih banyak memakai suara tinggi Bellamy, dengan alunan arpeggio gitar, dan piano yang terdengar jelas, yang terinspirasi dari gerakan Romantisme, khususnya musikus Rusia Sergei Rachmaninov dan Tchaikovsky. Selain itu, terdengar juga unsur-unsur musik minimalis seperti Philip Glass. Album ini juga menyertakan daur ulang lagu Feeling Good, yang aslinya dibuat oleh Anthony Newley dan Leslie Bricusse

Secara umum, eksentriknya gaya musik rock MUSE terlihat mirip musik band Queen pada tahun 1970-an

Album ini mungkin bakal membuat MUSE semakin terkenal di Amerika Serikat, tapi Maverick tidak setuju dengan gaya vokal Bellamy (yang dianggap tidak cocok untuk radio), dan meminta MUSE untuk merubah beberapa lagu mereka untuk dirilis di Amerika. MUSE, yang meresa terhina, menolak dan meninggalkan perusahaan rekaman Mave

Biodata Personil MUSE

Matthew Bellamy:

merangkap vokalis, gitaris, n pianis. lahir di Cambridge, Ingggris pada 9 juni 1978.

ayah Matthew yg bernama George Bellamy juga merupakan seorang musisi rock, berperan sebagai rhytm gitaris di band bernama Tornado.

ibu Matthew bernama Marilyn, lahir di Belfast dan ia juga merupakan seorang musisi.

Christopher Tony Wolstenholme:

bassis dan backing vokal dari band Muse. setelah sebelumnya berperan sebagai drumer pada sebuah band dg nama Fixed Penalty dengan aliran post-punk.

lahir pada 2 desember 1978 di Rotherham, Inggris.

sekarang dia tinggal di Teighmouth Teignmouth bersama istrinya Kelly dan tiga anak mereka Alfie, Frankie dan Ava-Jo

Dominic Howard.

drumer yg lahir Stockport ( tidak jauh dari Manchester) pada 7 desember 1977.

pada masa sma mendirikan band dg nama Carnage Mayhem, dg teman dekatnya, Matthew Bellamy. setelah 2 tahun di drop-out dari sekolah band ini hanya tinggal mereka berdua. lalu bergabunglah Chris Wolstenholme.

kemudian pada 1994 Gothic Plague lahir, kemudian berganti nama menjadi Rocket Baby Dolls dan terakhir bernama Muse.

mulai saat itulah mereka bertiga mulai serius dalam bermain band....

Source :http://symphoniofsurya.blogspot.com/2009/09/asal-devon-england-genre-alternative.html